
Industry Hopes for Better Services and Facilities at New Patimban Harbour


JAKARTA— Automotive industry expects to rely on vehicle terminal at the Port Patimban (Subang, West Java). The main criterion for the industry automotive is their logistic support facilities, services, and seamless access.

Secretary General of the Association of Indonesia Automotive Industry (GAIKINDO) Kukuh Kumara said that for the industry, easy traffic flow is an absolute requirement. He said that the harbour’s location (farther away from Jakarta) is not  big concern. During this time the automotive industry supply lines rely on the port of Tanjung Priok (Jakarta).

“Our factories are located in Karawang (West Java) and surrounding lots. We can simply measure the distance [between Tanjung Priok and Patimban], “he said.

The industry will see the facilities and services at the new port. Car industry will also take into account the handling rates of loading and unloading of vehicles.

The government has been currently building a car export terminal at the Port Patimban. It will accommodate 485 thousand units of cars. Port Patimban is estimated for completion by mid 2017. The pier was built along three to four kilometers from the coast to the sea. (*)