JAKARTA— GAIKINDO expresses its support to government programme on rural freight cars. A support statement has come from the Chairman of GAIKINDO Mr Yohannes Nangoi. “GAIKINDO is willing to provide information on the availability of parts from agents (APM) members GAIKINDO which may produce parts with specifications required by cars for rural transportation,” said Mr Nangoi.
GAIKINDO also asserts opportunities for further cooperation with the government on the programme. In the capacity of an organization of the automotive industry, manufacturing network GAIKINDO has many components that can be mobilized to support the rural freight cars.
“Whatever the step the government takes to build better transportation, GAIKINDO is always there to be ready to support. GAIKINDO also gives room for its members to participate directly in the programme,” said Mr Nangoi.
Mr Nangoi’s statement confirms previous GAIKINDO stance by Secretary General of GAIKINDO Mr Kukuh Kumara on rural car. According to Mr Kumara, the production of rural freight cars by the government does involve GAIKINDO as organisation. That is, the programme has not yet reached the stage of mass production to facilitate the needs of rural communities with inexpensive means of transport. “So far many rural communities modify agricultural machinery (tractors) into motorised carts to haul agriculture produces,” said Mr Kumara.
Community who manufacture and use the modified agricultural vehicles call it “grandong”. They take out farm tractor diesel engine— some even irrigation engines— and install it into a man-made cart. By adding a steering wheel, they can have a motorised vehicle with minimum reliability and safety measures for a transport means.
The government’s idea and the programme on rural freight vehicle to replace “grandong” originates from the Ministry of Industry. The programme aims to provide affordable and safe means of transport, safer than the “grandong”. The programme is reported to have passed the stage of prototypes and initial production is planned to be rolled in August 2017. (*)